
Can You Be Fired for Having Bad Credit?

Can You Be Fired for Having Bad Credit?

If you are feeling the pinch, you are not alone. Many Americans have experienced a decline in income, while expenses have continued to increase. Many have taken a significant hit to their credit scores and are considering bankruptcy. Others who are on the eve of...

Employers and Immigration Compliance

Employers and Immigration Compliance

What You Need to Know The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) makes it illegal for employers to knowingly hire undocumented workers and requires employers to verify each worker’s identity and eligibility by completing the I-9 Form. An employer’s failure to complete...

At-will Employment: Does it Apply to You?

At-will Employment: Does it Apply to You?

It may seem unfair, but an employer can fire an “at-will” employee at any time, without good cause – or even without any cause at all. It is a bitter pill, and one that many American workers must swallow. Under the law, you are generally deemed to be employed at-will,...

Eight Common Mistakes Employers Make

Eight Common Mistakes Employers Make

American employers are subject to countless federal, state and local laws, imposing various requirements, including wage and hour and anti-discrimination laws. Unfortunately, many employers – particularly small businesses – are unaware of their obligations and violate...

Do You Need Meeting Minutes?

Do You Need Meeting Minutes?

Regardless of the size of the business, corporations (including those organized under Subchapter S) must observe all of the required formalities in order to maximize the benefits of a corporation. Corporate meeting minutes document the decisions made by the company’s board of directors, and are necessary to

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